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Call for Comics Studies Book Reviews (Spring 2024)
Posted by The Editors on 2024-03-11

Thank you for your interest; we'll be contacting those who submitted an expression of interest soon- we have closed this call now. [13 June 2024].


The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship is seeking contributions to its book reviews section.





The journal seeks 2,000- to 2,500-word scholarly reviews of academic publications on comics and graphic novels, historical to contemporary, global north to global south, in all comics cultures.





We are looking for reviews that go beyond synopsis to thoughtful and critical engagement with the scholarly content of books in the area of Comics Studies. Reviews do not have to be positive but should be respectful, well argued, and engage with current scholarship.





For full guidelines, please see



Please see the below list of academic books we have received at the journal and we can make available for review.



Drawing (in) the Feminine. Bande Dessinée and Women. Edited by Margaret C. Flinn (2024)

Growing Up Graphic. The Comics of Children in Crisis. By Alison Halsall (2023) 

Superevil. Villains in Silver Age Superhero Comics. By Anke Marie Bock (2023)

Lost Literacies. Experiments in the Nineteenth-Century US Comic Strip. By Alex Beringer




You can submit an expression of interest to review any of these publications (or a different one you may want to suggest) by completing this form.

The reviews will be assigned on a competitive basis. We'll provide a review copy, which will be in either digital or physical format depending on the book and the location of the reviewer.

Please note all submissions are subject to editorial review and editorial revision processes including copyediting. 

Thank you for your interest!


CFP   Book Reviews